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  Karpav's scenario request
Posted by: Smurf - 05-25-2023, 04:06 PM - Forum: The Wardroom - No Replies

Quote:A typical skirmish game has, let's say, 10 miniatures per side and can wrap up in 2-3 hours. Design me a two-player scenario of Silent Death that can be played in the same timeframe with as many ships per side and you are most likely playing Blizzard and Kosmos value game. A fun game too! This is where SD shines. Now, scale up the designs a bit, including a carrier and a command ship to one side, similar for the other, and add 3 players to each side - each with their own tactical preferences, player-vs-player grudges, and extraneous cross-chatter. If granular rules depth doesn't yield, Speed will make up the difference. I want to essentially play Silent Death, with the sheets and ships, but the larger group demands exceptional rules truncation. It's NOT the typical game size and I can't think of many games that can accommodate what I am asking of it right out of the box. So read 85% of my opinions with this bias in mind.

The Ambassador's Star Raven. In the middle of the map is a stricken Staraven. The front is battered to the first X, and so has the left and right sides, but the rear has 2d4 hits left on its track. Randomly generate all criticals (ignoring Pilot dead or Kaboom). Apply all damage etc. It's a wreck.

2 Forces one who wants to rescue the Ambassador and the other who wants to capture the Ambassador. Both will require a gun boat to 'dock' with the Starraven to tow it. That is a must end it's movement next to the Starraven and have a pilot contest - whoever wins picks either hooked or free. They can then drag the Starraven away (it may be able to turn and shoot still).

Additional Rules:
1. Asteroids
2. Drift
3. Initiative die who ever wins gets to roll the DC of the Starraven and choose location of its affects.
4. The attacker may not attack the Starraven due to 'boat dead in the water rules'. If the Starraven gets any weapons operational then it may fire on the attackers, however doing so will negate 'boat dead in the water rule'.
5. The defender moves the Starraven in the Move 0 phase. Also the defender chooses if targets for the Starraven's weapons.

Win condition - drag the Starraven to the edge of your map.

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  CITW January 14th, Peoria Meet: Yet Another Border Scrap
Posted by: Karpav1 - 01-15-2023, 11:21 PM - Forum: Battle Reports - Replies (2)

Into the starlit void
We're riding the storm
No sign of JuTunheim our longboats perform
We're all alone
Red  stars in the sky
Into the vast forever
Adapted from "Odin's Prayer";  by Bloodbound

Greetings captains, engineers, pilots, gunners, and other 23rd Sigurd Heavy Flotilla oarsmen. Today we send word to Parliament and the High Council of the deeds of our Viking brothers of the 201st. Before ascending to Vahalla, these warriors sent many lizard-loving Colosian pilots to dine in the cold, deep halls of Hel, licking the boots of Loki. Will this display of might convince these border intruders that Odin's Will is unwavering, or will they continue to linger in the dark,  hiding from Odin's Wisdom? These are the signs of the coming of Ragnarok. I leave you with The Orð: its observational record data the keys to learning what we can from the mistakes of our enemies.

Heill in Alföðr Óðinn!

Huginn Hjalti

House Colos
  • Deathwind II  (x2)
  • Thunder Bird  (x3)
  • Strella           (x4)
Sigurd Archdiocese
  • Glaive III     (x1)
  • Hound       (x2)
  • Pit Viper II  (x4)
[Image: yJjWd4h.jpg]

Turn 1 mid-movement phase with torpedo tracking projection maps turned on. Deathwind and 2x Thunderbird HCR yet. Glaive III pilot breaks right to eject a decoy. [TOC follow up: "Investigate possible new Colos homing technologies or faulty decoy manufacture, as the results of the countermeasures deviated significantly from the expected results ranges"].  Colos Deathwind decoys performed within the expected performance range. [Correction: The two torpedo spreads in the middle board that are marked as heading towards the Deathwinds in the upper right are incorrectly keyed. Those were fired by the Deathwinds, and are also targeting the Glaive III.]

[Image: AeEBGig.jpg]

Turn 2 - the start of the Torpedo Results Phase. Realizing they can not outrun the smaller incoming munitions of the T-Birds, the Glaive crew turn the ship and break just in front of the Deathwind II's eight Mk 20 torps-- all bunched up in a single hex, 1 hex off the nose. The line of Mk. 10's and 20's incoming to Glaive III are separated for sequential torpedo resolution but are in the Glaive III's hex.

  • The point-defense system of the Glaive, clearly overwhelmed, manages to remove an Mk. 20, but the remaining proceeds to devastate the armor of the ship in a procession of hull impacts the ending of which leaves the shellshocked crew bloodied and dazed, staring at error screens informing them that all weapons on board are knocked out, soon to be followed by eruptive sparks as the weapon consoles themselves suffer critical failures. With no Gungnir mount to remove the 8 incoming Mk 20's, the Glaive III is doomed. [TOC follow up: "No ship can repel firepower of that magnitude!"]
  • Pit Viper II's Mk. 30 torps reach their Deathwind targets and soften them up a fair amount, taking out Missile Launchers and rear Splattergun mounts. The Deathwind pilots relied on their 1-4 [2] PD systems instead of dodging as the odds were similar, but were not effective in this instance.
  • Two double-spreads of Mk. 20 torpedos fired from each ship of the Hound squadron paired up with their Thunderbird targets and reduced them to debris clouds.

[Image: xS21k1p.jpg]

Turn 2 Close-Up. Many shots were either out of arc, outright missed, or bounced off of armor. The Deathwind II's in particular, with naught but an Ion Ram still functional were at a steep disadvantage to hit the nimble Pit Viper II's in their field of fire.

[Image: TmpyjVV.jpg]

Turn 3 - Final:
  • A Deathwind pilot, frustrated with his attempts to hit the jinking maneuvers of the Pit Vipers [2d8+6 (-3 speed restriction penalty); 15DV = 14.6% range S, only 9.1% range M] attempted a ram, was successful and cleaved the annoying attrition fighter in half while taking the small mass of the ship as damage in return. The Viper pilot's ejection system was executed without fault.
  • Although the Pit Vipers had eliminated a couple of the Strella IIs at this point, they were finding it difficult to hit their tiny (and fast) silhouettes, and if the Vipers in turn were hit and slowed even slightly, the Deathwind's Ion Ram could come to bear on them much more easily. [TOC Follow-up: statistical breakdown for dual pulse laser mount fired by "regular" (d6 ADB) experienced pilot...  21.6% hit at range L, 30.2% hit at range M, and 39.8% at range S]. Radio chatter discussing breaking away coincided with a command from the monitoring Longboat Yggdrasil to return. They had intercepted a similar command from a nearby Totenkomph II to do the same. Both sides were either satisfied with the skirmish outcome or neither side wanted to commit any further is up for debate, but one certain thing is that both sides claimed a minor victory this day.

Optional Rules in effect:

  1. Most of the standard stuff that should be the default rule- easing speed restrictions, decoys, point defense, firing multiple mounts, Life pods, etc.
  2. Variable speed, Super Manuverable Torpedos - this was the standard that my excellent guest player Bob most often used so we went with it. Extremely deadly. I remember saying "If it gets them off the board quicker, yeah- let's do it."
  3. No drift. Two of our guests were first-time players and normally black powder historical gamers, so I drew the line there. The sentiment was that drift is fun and will be included in future games.
  4. Crew Experience die rather than purchased skills. For simplicity, everyone was Regulars d6 ADB. 5.5 points per gunner, 11 pts. per pilot added to the ships for TPV for 'per-side point estimation'. I only attempted to get the numbers close. Forces TPV ended up being Colos: 353; Sigurd: 292
  5. As a result of everyone having the same GNR skill, we rolled a d10 once at the start of the game for a firing turn order (for all turns) and recorded it on a firing order chart. The Missile Lock-on target number = 10. The crew was to roll 2d6 + ADB & roll equal to or higher. However, every launcher mount on the board was removed via torp impacts, so not a single missile was launched!

I want to thank all of the players that showed up and participated in the event, one of my old-time gaming friends I hadn't seen for some time took the day off to make it (thank you Chris), while my newest Silent Death acquaintance is a true dyed in the wool Old-Guard Silent Death Master. He arrived in full vintage Silent Death regalia: shirt, hat, and a keen knowledge and deep love of the game that was immediately recognizable within moments of meeting him. I struck the SD gaming group gold in meeting him and having him travel the two hours to show up and play in the game I hosted. We all shared contacts and vow to keep this going. I had four players when I thought maybe one or two would attend (I ran out of my modified metal-post ship stands!).  I was also notified of yet another interested player who couldn't attend but had their contact info passed to me. Awesome!

I know I have been playing a lot of Sigurd vs. Colos up until now, but it is mainly because I have most of that stuff painted and ready to go. I have the most options with these two factions. I do plan on painting more of my ships if I will actively be playing more often with this newly forming group. I am eager to get large flotillas of Luches Utopia, Data Sphere, and ASP Technocracy, on the table next followed by Sunrunners and Yoka Shan Warworlders, then in the distance Tokugawa***. Sorry, Unkulunkulu & Hibernia fans.
***But first a good number of asteroids stands completed.

I will report on our exploits for this coming year as we plan to make more games happen every couple of months or three at the least. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed our battle report.


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  Discord Channel?
Posted by: caeaston - 12-25-2022, 07:43 PM - Forum: MX News and Discussion - Replies (6)

Merry Christmas pilots!

So with the release of Role Master Unified it has me waxing nostalgically for the days of fighter combat and new material.

As a question to the players of this fine property;

Is there any benefit of having a Discord Channel to discuss the future of Silent Death? No in a disparaging way, more in a hopeful resurgence.

New rules, new factions, new construction, new technologies...ect.

The world is moving into a digital play age and I would like to think that our current curators have a vision that they would be willing to share.
If not then this might be a great place to start?

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  Smurf's New Style of Rules
Posted by: Smurf - 12-06-2022, 12:48 AM - Forum: The Wardroom - Replies (20)

I think I have shifted the rules enough to make it feel fresh and also samey.

Enjoy the first draft if not many drafts and final rejections.


Merry Christmas.

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  I'm Back - been thunking.
Posted by: Smurf - 12-04-2022, 01:31 AM - Forum: The Wardroom - Replies (2)

After, ahem, some time I have been considering rules updates and moving the game into the erm future.

Quote:[font="Droid Sans", sans-serif]Bugs have a 'crew' and the number of crew equals their pilot and gunnery skills.  Ergo, killing or destroying weapons downgrades their effectiveness.[/font]

[font="Droid Sans", sans-serif]Remember playtest remit was to get the bugs to swarm.[/font]

[font="Droid Sans", sans-serif]I had floated that the 'Regen' rating could be used to add buffs to other bugs in forms of pluses to hit.[/font]

[font="Droid Sans", sans-serif]What if we say the bug ships in range of the regen rating gives the Bugs bonuses not just to hit but also improves their pilot and gunnery ratings.[/font]

[font="Droid Sans", sans-serif]A 4 group of bugs with a standard rating of 4, would lift their gunnery rating up to 7, the original bug from the help from its buddies and also gets a +3 to hit.[/font]

[font="Droid Sans", sans-serif]Drawback:[/font]
[font="Droid Sans", sans-serif]If the bugs has been screened and or is in Ink it cannot help other bugs and other bugs cannot help it.[/font]

[font="Droid Sans", sans-serif]Note:  The pilot does not fire a weapon and therefore the minimum skill will always be 2 for a weapon.[/font]

[font="Droid Sans", sans-serif]Regen can be used x times = to its rating.  Either DC x hits up to y times, or grow back ammo x times, grow back weapons, J pods, and drones etc in any mix that is not greater than the Regen Rating...[/font]

We are going to address the Bugs and also some Basic rules.

Starting the game.  There are five classes of pilots but we will only use four of them: Rookies, Standard, Experienced, Veterans, and the legends.

Each will have their own attack die.  Rookies ® = d4, S = d6, E =d8, V = d10, (and L = d12).

Most gamers are now used to seeing their stats as X and that reads what ever.  Unhooking the 10 scale of SDTM.

Order of Fire will now look like this:

Veterans will fire first. Experienced > Standard >Rookies.

Pilots will invert their 'dice' for Piloting: R d10, S D8, E D6, V D4 (Legends will use a D3)

Missile Fire
R can only fire 5 missiles on a 6+
S Can fire as normal on a 7+
E Can fire as normal on a 8+
V Can fire as normal on a 9+ or empty the ML with a -1 for 5 additional missiles.
L Can empty the ML with no modfiers.

Torpedoes - Only Pilots can fire Torpedoes!

Points costs.

Float your boat - it's BPV before any torp adjustments.

For each skill a R level get a 10% refund.
S level has no additional cost.
E Level cost increase by 10%
V Level cost increases by 20%
and an option of playing a Legend increases by 30%

Then add on Torp costs.  The Maximum reduction is 80% cost of BPV, the cost of the crew and Torps cannot reduce it to less than 80% of its BPV.

Turn Sequence

Locks on etc... get rolling/scribbling.
Move and resolve lock ons.
Cannon Shooting.
Missile resolution

The boat is naffed.  Choose not to move to use DC immediately but you are the sitting quack.
Stealing the Initiative (Gunboats only), a Pilot that is using their boat to command the fleet (the guy with the highest Pilot) will steal the Initiative by going first - meaning his fleet will get to move the last ship.  If Both forces want to Steal the Initiative then both will have to 'dice for it' and both will have to move their ships first. 
Point Defence can be spread across phases on the provision they still have the remaining shots left.
Cannon Shooting as described above.   A change I would like to suggest but keeping to the corish rules is Why would you use a Plasma Cannon over an Ion Cannon.  So I came up with this:
Plasma Cannons always fire first in their phase.  Any triple can be fixed by a DC roll.
All Damage Weapons will apply their modifiers to hit to their damage result.
Stop Shooting if the boat has not locked on or launched, they can forgo all shooting and get on the DC to fix it now!  Must be announced at beginning of shooting phase.

Advanced shooting:

Hit it Hard -3 to hit penalty increase the ADB by the next sized dice up.
Hit it Harder must have taken Hit it Hard first but a further -2 can increase the ADB by the next size up, you may use this rule multiple times but the ADB size can only be raised to a D12.

Drift - seriously this is the funny bit, especially as the end of the turn.

Bug Stuff:
In another thread I floated the idea of Bug Buffs.  Trying to keep it simple with a balance of some nuanced plays... hard call.

Bugs cost the same as above.

The Regen Rating we will keep and the Bug Buff Radio can only work if the Bugs involved are not in ink!

Bug Buff Radio
Using their 'Radios' or Regen rating Bugs can buff each other if they are both in range of each other's Regen.  A Regen of 2 has a two hex range.  Any Bug within a 2 Hex range of each other can both add +1 to their hit dice.  If the Regen is higher, eg a 6 any Regen 2 Bug 3 or more hexes away from it cannot help each other.  If their are a group of Regen 6 bugs within each others range then they can help...now who is thinking I can surround Big Bugs with lots of little bugs and get Big Buffs.  Now what are you thinking Smile

Big shake up for Warhounds.

Been thinking about about mass attacks vs Warhounds, Seriously who wants to be splatted first?

So I cam up with this cracking idea. All Crewed Weapons that target non Warhound Class targets must double the DV of their target to score a hit! Note this does not apply to torp rooms.

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  Bulldog III
Posted by: Black Guard - 10-29-2022, 03:29 AM - Forum: The Shipyard - No Replies

The Bulldog, having a lot of the same complaints from me as the Delta II, has been re-designed to be a more "durable," fighter. Dropping the twin autocannons and triple miniguns, a pair of splatter guns and four pulse lasers make up its new armaments. In addition to these new guns, an extra decoy, two more chances for point defense and an improved damage control system has been added to the craft. To save on costs, the armor and drive limits have not been altered. The only off-set to these improvements is a higher price tag and shorter engagement range. A great opportunity to test out the new defense systems!

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  Store oddities.
Posted by: Black Guard - 06-14-2022, 07:15 AM - Forum: Website and Forum Feedback - Replies (3)

Alright, I've got a few questions about the store.

1. The original Totenkopf is absent in the store. Is the new resin model replacing it?

2. The following ships have no sheets or info about them: Bright Thorn, Eel, Monarch, Skree, Scarab and I guess the Dumbo?

3. The Aurora Hawk should be added to the above list, yet its not in the store. How do I know that? Saw one on ebay. So that means its either a mislabel or its available but not online.

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  Delta III
Posted by: Black Guard - 06-14-2022, 07:05 AM - Forum: The Shipyard - Replies (6)

I made this since I didn't like the reliance on ammo. Also, I figure if you can put a pulse laser on a Saucer Shuttle, you can put it on a Delta. Tongue Then again, if the Delta is old, but common, then it shouldn't be that far-fetched for a mod like this to exist.

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Posted by: Karelian Suomi - 04-22-2022, 04:27 AM - Forum: MX News and Discussion - No Replies


Rising metal prices will soon force us to raise prices by as much as 20%. But for the next 24 hours (more or less) get a 10% discount on all purchases! Order now!

Use the sale code FLASH2022 to get your discount.

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  The Dumbo
Posted by: captskeleton - 12-17-2021, 06:00 PM - Forum: Rules Questions and FAQ - Replies (2)

Sorry if this is a silly question, but does the Dumbo I appear in any existing sourcebooks? I've seen references to it around the forums and the Dumbo II model shows up in the campaign rules on this site, but I haven't been able to track down any reference to the I outside of the (very useful thus far) ship allocation KarelianSuomi provided elsewhere. Is the II the ubiquitous Dumbo in space? Any tips would be appreciated.


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